Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Political: People have different philosophies of life. Some believe that life should be a constant struggle,—work. Others believe that life should be a continuous dissipation. My own philosophy of life is both. I believe in working and in having a good time. You will see how I always combine duty with pleasure. Therefore, you will have to excuse me if I appear before you in this attire, in sweater and knickers. I thought, before coming and doing the pleasant duty of extending my greetings to you, I would take a little time playing golf.
Cultural: The Philippine political culture is… personalistic but violent, religious but superstitious, corrupt but tolerant, hierarchical but distributionist, solicitous of form but not of content, legalistic, but careless of equity, media-obsessed and nationalistically vociferous with respect to rights but negligent to obligations.
Historical: We Filipinos are not a people accustomed to crooking the knee to any power that may purpose to invade our country and to hold us in thrall. We have been overcome by superior forces, but we have never been outfought; our country has been conquered, but we have never been vanquished. Every power that has ever dared to overrun our country has known the avenging anger of Filipino arms.